Thursday, May 21, 2015

Keep Learning: Consistency is Key

Once you stop learning, you start dying - Albert Einstein

Education for life! Learning is continuous. It has to be so because life is dynamic. Things and times keep moving. So you have to move on with time and through time. Yes, you must keep learning.

Successful students keep improving themselves daily as they achieve and move from one level of success to another.

It has been scientifically proven that half of the information available to us now becomes irrelevant in the next two years.

Things we learnt  some decade ago are still being used by non-researching lecturers and teachers. This is mundane and archaic. They have refused to relearn and unlearn. So they don't do any research to be updated with  current information.

Successful students keep learning. They never stop learning. They keep improving their store of information. They are ready for every adventure. They seek to improve themselves daily and are updated always.

So if you are ready to go past the mark and achieve huge success in life,  you have to be ready for continuous learning.

If  you really want to keep up with the latest trends in life socially, academically, and economically you have to keep learning, keep improving your skills and unlearning the irrelevant.

All skills in life are learnable. So keep learning and stay updated and young.

Improving Yourself: The Easy Ways

1) Position yourself in an environment that allows you to keep learning.

2) Be with people who motivate you and inspire you to know

3) Develop a reading and study

4) Revise your study materials daily

5) Make research on

6) Use gadgets such as phones to aid your learning.

7) Communicate effectively (Never engage in poor communication such as speaking pidgin, vernacular or four languages - they demoralize you)

8) Have a study time-table which you follow consistently with high level of discipline.

This article is actually encouraging you to keep learning, unlearning and re-learn ing. Kindly leave a comment if this article has blessed you.

Please note that the ideas and suggestions and views on this article and blog are NOT professionally discerned. Readers discretion is advised.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It's Everybody's Responsibility: Do It Thoroughly

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader - John Quincy Adams 

Leadership is one of the fundamentals of all successful students all over the world. Success students take the lead in every area of life. The absence of leadership is actually responsible for all the untold high level of societal crimes, corruption and underdeveloped experienced in our nation today. 

Leadership is the ability to set good examples for others to follow. Leaders are responsible and accountable for their actions and inactions. They take the lead in all life endeavours.

To be a successful student, leadership is inevitable as a skill you must have. Leadership can be seen in a student knowing what is expected of him or her and doing it. It takes a leading student with  the right knowledge to lead the family siblings, lead in school and in the society at large. Leadership is knowing what is right  and doing it for all to see and learn.

Successful students are leaders. If you can't succeed as a student chance Really that you'll be so unlikely to succeed as an adult.  Responsibility is the commitment of leadership. Leadership could begin with simple things such as ; speaking simple and correct English, punctuality and being regular at school and classes, obeying the simple rules and regulations of the school, mutual respect for constituted authority, etc.

Leadership is by example. You must set example for your younger ones at home to follow. If the youths are the future leaders, then you need to learn the skill of leadership to be able to move society to the next level.

Leadership is carrying out assignment promptly and with the right instructions. It's doing the best at home school and local religious setting.

Leadership means not shying away from work or responsibilities. Successful students know what to do, when to do, how to do and for whom to do what is right.

Once you can achieve some level of leadership strength as a student, when you find yourself on a higher level in life, it becomes work over for you. All successful students lead and they do it well. So take the lead. Don't be shy, Be bold. Get to Know what is expected of you in your school, at home and in your religious setting. Get to work and be responsible. Let others use you as a reference point for something worthwhile.

Leadership Qualities You Must Possess

1) Learn to be a role model: People will only respect you as a student when you show them good examples of leadership at home, school and in your worship environment.

2) Be clear  about what you want in life and expect: Don't dabble and never confused. Be straight about your dreams and aspirations.

3) Find out things for yourself: Ask questions. Never assume.

4) Always know the road, show the road and lead the road for others.

Monday, May 4, 2015


There is no substitute for hard work - Thomas Edison

There is no magic to success. There are no short cuts to success. All successful student work real hard. Hard work pays. There is dignity in labour.

It's amazing how students preparing for examination can't read and study hard for success. They are so lazy to read,  study and even do research. Some even find it difficult to do assignments and project works.

Successful students study lengthy hours. Success is persistent and diligent hard work.  There's no food for lazy men. There's no malpractice in real life situation.

Every student who have achieved on level of academic success out there really put in lots of hard work.  They are discipline personalities. If you can't work hard as a student,  what kind of a father or mother are you planning on becoming? What kind of leadership do you hope to achieve without hard work?

if you must succeed in life as a student,  you need to be discipline at your studies and be far removed from all frivolous activity that do not culminate into a high level of productivity. Take away the excessive play time,  the home videos,  the games and the unnecessary sleep.

Successful students work hard at school, home and religious setting.

All it takes is hard work. Have fun working real hard to attain your goals. Be a workafrolic not a workaholic. Work while you work. Don't play. Read or study while you study. Yeah! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You really don't have to be Jack all your life.

Students need to wake up to reality in the area of hard work. Be discipline to rule out parties, home videos, games and every activity that engages you wrongly.

Hard work is required to  become outstanding in every field of endeavor. Don't give up on your goals. Sweat it out because hard work pays. Stay focused on your dreams and bring them to reality.

Every rich or wealthy person you know today in every sphere of life has put in a great deal of hard work to get to where they are today. So quit being lazy, for laziness is the major cause of poverty. Laziness will strip you off your God-given destiny. Laziness reduces the quality of life people live. Laziness is a robber.

All successful students are hard working students. You too must put in a great deal of work to bring your dreams to pass. Work hard now, and rest tomorrow. Secure a bright future for yourself and generations unborn.

Benefits of Hard Work

1) Hard work will build your character: Hard work profits every student who puts his or her heart to it. Laziness will only destroy your destiny but hard work will build everything about you and make you strong for references

2) Hard work will enable you have results: Hard work always have something to show. It's never misplaced. Don't take leftovers which are remnants of those who work hard.

3) Hard work will draw attention to you: It will bring you to limelight and people will begin to know that you are resourceful and productive. You become an enviable personality.

4) Hard work will bring you before new people,  place s and opportunities in life.

5) Hard work blesses the life of others: Your hard work becomes the reason why some people may not have to suffer again for life. Work hard as a student to please, help and bless others around you.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Action is the foundational key to all success - Pablo Picasso

Successful students not only set goals and prioritize, they take ACTION. Yes action is one of the secrets of successful students.

Things don't change on their own. It takes action. It takes responsibility to effect the change we desire as students. It takes action coupled with self motivation to become successful in every area of life. Nothing will ever change without the application of force (action). A lot of students today just relax thinking that things and times will change on their own. No, we need to change our perspective right away. That’s why students these days have decided to wait for the gate way of examination malpractice to success.

Our educational system today has been destroyed by examination malpractices. Students have been told big fat lies that without adequate study and preparation, they can still pass their exams. In most cases, frustration and pain associated with great disappointment has always been the case because even the school owners and ill cultured teachers who made such promises, can not deliver due to gross inadequacies on their part.

Successful students are action driven. They have self motivation. They don't procrastinate and go into “someday island”. You have to take action on the goals and plans for your future. There is no better time than now. You don't have to see all the stairs, just take the first step. Taking action puts you in motion and you just keep moving. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

If we don't take action as students, we remain were we are. Everything remains status quo. Life is lived inside-out. Put your heart to what you have planned to do. You don't need all the money to take action. There is no perfect time to take action. Begin now.

Take action to study harder. Take action to be a better person. Take action to start mid-night study. Take action to be discipline. Success likes speed. Run with your dreams. Don't wait. Take action today and be glad you did. You will be amazed how much distance you'll cover if you begin right away with your written down goals.

Taking action gives you a head way and brings out the best in you as you make progress daily. So don't stay down, hit the road with your goals and dreams by taking correlative actions that will ultimately lead to your happiness.

Nature and even God will send help your way as you take action on your plans and dreams. Don't wait. Start now! There's no better time.

When you fail to plan and take action, failure is inevitable.

Ways To Avoid Procrastination

1) Don't think for too long: Save your self long hours of thinking and brooding over your goals.
2) Be flexible with the outcome: THE results of your goals may change for something even better, so don't dwell to much on the outcome of your decision.
3) Keep away or avoid all forms of distraction: Remove yourself if possible from elements that will not make you focus. This is not the time to watch TV or listen to music. You need to concentrate, that's discipline.
4) There's no perfect timing: Yes, no better time than now. Don't delay don't second guess. This is your moment so hit the go button. Don't wait. You may want all your years.
5) Let the good propel you: Look at the good in your dream or goal. Let that be your motivation. Let it push you to start. No waiting, no filling, start right away and keep moving.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

GOAL SETTING: puts you over

A victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting and achieving goals -  Og Mandino

God is a goal getter. He sets goal and has plans. Successful students must have goals, they must plan their goals. It could be short term or long term. It could just be goals of as little as organizing your time table, managing your time at home. It could be goals of leadership. You need to have plans. If you want to become a doctor or an engineer, you need to know when you want to achieve that, how long do you plan to take to become that? What are your goals?

After setting your goals you need to set priorities. We need to focus on a particular thing we want to achieve. You need to set goals and prioritize them.

A goal is something in your heart that you intend to achieve.
Goals could be short – three months or six months. For example, a student who has JAMB to write need to set a short term goals which begin as at the time he purchase the form. It could be a few months.

I wrote my academic goals before every semester – Obaseki, first class  graduate, Uniben.

A student who wants to be a medical doctor has a long term goals because he has to plan. Goals setting come with planning.

It is one thing to set your goals and another thing to plan them. This where prioritization come in play.

If you run a survey on students about their goals, you’ll be amazed that over 90% can’t tell you their goals in life.
Also, out of the 10% that tells you something reasonable they don't have a deadline. Its just mere wishful thinking!

You need to have a goal. You need to have the planning. You need to have a timeframe for the achievement of your dreams.

I expect the Nigerian student to learn and begin to set goals. I expect youngsters to start setting goals. When you begin to set goals from secondary schools you end up becoming better mothers and fathers.

Everything begins from childhood. You need to start now!
Goal setting is an intrinsic part of our lives as humans. If we don't set goals we will not achieve anything.

Some once said “if you don't know where you’re going, everywhere looks like where you are going.”

Students need to learn how set goal, plan and prioritize to hit their target. It is obvious that if you don't set goals, you don't know when you even hit your target. It ultimately determines how we reform our world and become highly successful in life.

Successful students set goals. They are visionaries. They are goal-getters. So, set your goals today, go for them plan, prioritize and get things done.

Goal Setting Methods

1) Think thoroughly about what you desire or want to achieve
2) Get a piece of paper and write it/them down
3) Arrange them in other of importance and urgency
4) Think again on each of the goals you have written down
5) Write out five ways for each goal on how you intend to achieve them.
6) Out of all the goals you have written down pick out the one goal of them all that once achieved will help you achieve the rest (MDP)
7) Focus on this one MDP-Major Definite Purpose.
8) Ensure all your goals are SMART -  Specific, Measurable , Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Succeeding as a student, you need this First:


                   Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve - Napoleon Hill

The first secret to becoming an outstanding student in life is having a positive metal attitude. Successful students have a positive mental attitude. Successful students all over the world believe in success.

Proverbs 23:7 “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he”. Every student must have a positive mental attitude towards life. You cannot achieve what you do not believe in. successful students believe they can achieve greatness. Personal belief in success is a function of your core values.

To become an outstanding student in every area of life, your belief system must be made straight. Failures in life first of all fail in their minds. Most students who don't know a particular subject or don't do well in a particular course, fail because they have conceived in their minds the failure before hand. 

Having a positive mental attitude helps your morale and the way your carry yourself through life. It helps to strengthen your self esteem and ultimately positions you to reach greater heights in life achievements.

You have to believe in yourself, your world and your nation. You have to believe in success. You've got to believe in your dreams that they are achievable. Self belief is the foundation. You have to believe you can be that agent of positive change. Yes! You can do all things.

“Whether you think you can or cannot, either way you are right” – Zig Ziglar

The major difference between an A student and a B student is in the way they think. In fact most geniuses all over the world have very low IQ- Intelligence Quotient.

Quit being pessimistic in life. Enough of the self doubt that has held you bound. You can become that which you desire and believe in. All you need is trust your instincts enough. Trust God to carry you through. Be bold and courageous. It’s vital for the achievement of success as a student.

A positive mental attitude shapens your belief system and delivers a great destiny into your hands. Dear student, that dream is possible. Go for it. Nothing can stop you now, as you apply the other secrets, you can be assured of becoming very successful beyond your wildest imaginations.

Ways of Developing A Positive Mental Attitude

1) Think of yourself very powerful: Learn to believe in yourself as someone with greatness and feel great admiration for yourself.

2) Accept responsibility: Choose to move on and stop complaining about everything in your life. People still look up to you for little help even as a student.

3) Be in charge: Don't allow life to toss you to and fro. Be strong and take charge of things. Don't be carried away. Handle every things with some sense of maturity and calmness.

4) Believe you're the best: Trust your abilities to deliver and succeed. Don't look down on yourself. Nobody does it better than you.

5) Stay cool and calm: Don't get worked up when things go wrong or our of plan. Be reserved in manner and speech. Talk less and act confidently.

Please kindly send in your comments and remarks. Like us on our Facebook group: Internal Capacities and Mental Development Club

Enquiry: +2348184681962

Wednesday, September 25, 2013